Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

The Good Shepherd Mosaic

There are several ‘The Good Shepherd’ mosaics that you can check out.
In Ravenna Italy, you can find a 5th century mosaic of the Good Shepherd at the Galla Placidia Mausoleum. It is of Byzantine heritage. When you enter the mausoleum, you will see this mosaic art. You if you examine it closely, you will notice that it has a variety of bright colors and different tiles were used to create the ‘depth illusion’.
During the Roman Empire, Ravenna City played an important role in the mosaic industry. It was a fleet base during the time of Emperor Augustus and by 402 AD, Honorius made the city a capital of the Roman Empire in the west. From 493 AD to 540 AD, the city was full of buildings and outstanding monuments. Mosaic icons dominated during this time. Buildings and churches had mosaic works and one of the greatest works is the Good Shepherd at Galla. In this mosaic, you can see that Jesus is leading a faithful flock of sheep. When one of the sheep was lost, He went out to find it. The mosaic tells a lot about the life of Jesus as well as His Kingdom.
Another Good Shepherd mosaic can be found in Ravenna but this art work is of Greek origin. It was created in the late 20th century. The mosaic shows the Lord carrying the lost sheep. The sheep symbolizes an individual who has strayed. It also shows that God will do everything He can to bring back a lost soul. Through this mosaic, many people were able to understand the likeness and image of God; and that He gives the people freedom of choice.
The Simple Shepherd is of Greek origin and it can also be found in Galla. It is for sale for only $14. The mosaic shows Nicholas Planas, a priest.
Many years ago, religion is a very important part of the everyday life of people. Although religion still remains an important part of modern society, the passion and intensity of the worshippers in the past was reflected in their great works. Most of the ruins and relics dating back centuries ago show that the mosaics were reflections of their beliefs, ideology, and faith.
Christians were not free to express their belief back in the old days. Through art works, they were able to impart to the world their strong faith to the Lord. If you have a chance to visit the Galla Placidia Mausoleum, take the opportunity to see the three mosaic art works by various artists. Mosaic works like these are rare and it tells a lot about history. Mosaic has definitely withstood the test of time.
Galla Placidia Mausoleum offers breathtaking mosaics and aside from that, you will also have a chance to visit one of the oldest structures in Ravenna. The mausoleum itself was built back in 430 AD in honor of a powerful empress – Galla Placidia. It wad intended to be a tomb for the Empress but she was buried at St. Petronilla near the basilica of St. Peter in Rome. Millions of tourists and local visitors are impressed of the mosaics in the mausoleum.
Aside from the Good Shepherd mosaics, you can also find other mosaic designs like that of the starry night and he golden patterns of plants and flowers on the side arches. Come to the mausoleum and be intrigued by the magnificent mosaics there.

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