If you are looking for water damage on your drywall, look for the tell tale signs, such as bulging, cracks, sagging, and discoloration. You need to remember that water can easily drip and run along interior pipes in your home and it can also run from a leaky roof down to your drywall. This is why you have to look for damage on both the walls and the ceilings and you shouldn’t be surprised to find damage that is further achoice from the leak.
If you suspect or you are well aware of the fact of water damage in your home, you have to prioritize this kind of problem immediately. Why?
Well, wet drywall will be able to provide an ideal environment for mold and mildew to grow, which can really complicate your drywall repair project.
When you find only small cracks, the water damage can be easy to fix. All you need is a ready mixed spackling compounds which are ideal for this kind of situation. This particular compound can be easily applied with a putty knife. For that structural patch, you can use a strip of fiberglass tape. Use this on to the area where you intent on applying the putty.
However, if you find a larger repair, it will require you to do a lot more structural work.
The first step in repairing large portions of water damaged drywall is to completely remove the affected area. You will need a jigsaw or a drywall handsaw for this. When removing the water damaged drywall patch, be on the lookout for molds and mildew. You need to keep in mind that drywalls that are already affected with mold or mildew cannot be saved and the surrounding areas should be thoroughly cleaned before any repairs begin.
You also need to make sure that before you start patching up your drywall, the drywall should be completely dry. Try using an industrial fan to circulate air in to the area and you may also want to use a dehumidifier. These things will ensure complete drying.
Once the area is completely dry, the next step is to get a drywall patch that you will use to replace the piece of drywall that is removed because of water damage. You will find that there are now water resistant drywalls available for sale. This is basically your best option when you are repairing water damaged drywall. For large holes, you may want to use a plywood backer for support.
After screwing or nailing the replacement patch on the hole, the joint edges of the patch should be taped using a fiberglass drywall tape and it should be covered with drywall mud. After the mud has cured, you need to sand it to smooth out the surface and paint it to get the repaired area to blend in with the rest of the wall.
These are the things that you have to remember when repairing water damaged drywall. With these tips, you can easily get your drywall repaired and you will be able to get it done with a professional look.
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